Where Excellence Prevails
141 Levittown Pkwy • Hicksville, NY • 11801

Florist Choice Bouquet

Item # 17086
Florist Choice Bouquet

Product Details

Express yourself perfectly with a one-of-a-kind bouquet, personally selected and crafted by our expert florists! Each unique vase arrangement is designed locally using the freshest blooms available, so you can guarantee no two bouquets will be exactly alike. And because we have various sizes, there's a truly original gift to satisfy every budget.

Fresh and abundant bouquet of beautiful blooms, hand-arranged and selected by our expert florists to ensure the best possible value

Yes, add these items to my gift (optional)

Florist Choice Bouquet
Mylar Balloon
Florist Choice Bouquet
Box of Chocolates
Florist Choice Bouquet
Plush Animal
Florist Choice Bouquet
Latex Balloon

Substitution & Delivery Policy

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are limited by flower types from our suppliers and may need to substitute products in our online designs. We can create designs for any budget and we promise you’ll be pleased with the results! WE CANNOT GUARANTEE ANY SPECIFIC TIME DELIVERIES.

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