Trending Bouquets in Hicksville, NY | Hicksville Florist
Shop popular Floral occasions | Same Day, Fresh Flower Delivery in NY 11801
Quick Delivery: We are a local florist, not a middle man! All work is done by us and all deliveries are made with our trucks. We are located in Hicksville, NY we deliver to over 50 surrounding towns daily!! When you buy from a local florist, you receive a superior product and pay a lot less! Family owned and operated!
David Eysler
I ordered flowers today for our front desk manager’s birthday. A Magnificent arrangement was sent. The service and product was superb! Certainly will Be my go to in the future.
Federico Camaligan
Flowers look good, instructions were followed well to not include the ones she does not like (roses) and the picture does not do it any justice. DSLR pictures were great but it is still in the camera.
I also ordered this abroad, I am not in the US, and I just used my card to pay for this. No hassles. Thank you!
I do not know what the other people giving bad ratings were saying. But its probably a competitor review bombing them.
Cesar Cesar
Excellent service and very professional thank you very much